As It Is in Heaven

As It Is in Heaven, 2010

8.0 2010.02.02リリース
瑞典 瑞典語 愛情,劇情,喜劇,音樂 2時 12分鐘

《 As It Is in Heaven》是瑞典電影,於2004年9月3日在瑞典的電影院上映,由凱·波拉克(Kay Pollak)執導,由邁克爾·尼奎斯特(Michael Nyqvist)和弗裡達·霍爾格倫(Frida Hallgren)主演。這是瑞典和其他幾個國家的票房

A musical romantic tragedy about a famous composer who moves back to his small hometown after having had heart troubles. His search for a simple everyday life leads him into teaching the local church choir which is not easily accepted by the town yet the choir builds a great love for their teacher.
